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OUR COMMUNITY HEREOS: 5 UK Activists and Social Justice Leaders you need to know.

Natasha Hastick

The truth is, the fight to emancipation is far from over, Black lives every where especially in the UK are still unsafe and we must continue to talk about it and whole-heartedly and unrepentantly support the movement. At all times we must not forget that in our quiet times we will not remember the stones or the racist slurs of our enemies but the silence of our friends. “Activism” is not only for people with large social media following or people who are CEO’s or COO’s. It’s for everyone out there who has or hasn’t been affected by racism and the discrimination black people face in society.

Today we want to take out time to spotlight the great work many individuals and organizations have contributed in an effort to stand up for the black community in the UK and identify ways in which we can all support the cause.

1. The 4Front Project: The 4Front Project is a member-led youth organization empowering young people and communities to fight for justice, peace and freedom. They support members with experiences of violence and criminal justice system, in their own lives, communities and societies. This organization is led by a trauma-informed and experienced team with vast knowledge in building transformational relationships with young people affected by violence, injustice and inequity. To know more about the organization please visit their website and give or donate towards their cause please click here

2. The Black Child Agenda: The Black Child Agenda is UK’s only independent legal advocacy services for the Black child and family. The Black Child Agenda is an international organization supporting children and families who face discrimination, overt and covert racism and permanent exclusion from mainstream education. To know more about the Black Child Agenda please go to their website and to donate to the cause please click here.

3. Forever Family Fund: Forever Family is a community of people uniting to serve and repair our communities, build a self-sufficient and stable community, pool our skills, time, experience and resources to enrich one another and also create hubs and avenues to opportunities. Forever Family members put together a pool of money to purchase stationary packs for school aged children. Forever Family Force distributed them to families along Brixton High Street during the last week of the Summer holidays in 2020. The FF Force utilized the time spent interacting with the public to gather useful data from the public regarding future initiatives they’d like to see in the local area. To support the cause, please click here.

4. Faron Alex Paul: Faron and his highly experienced team members have helped keep the community and young teenagers safe by taking knives and weapons off the street and handing them into special police allocated bins or police stations. He is our classic neighborhood superhero, constantly campaigning in the effort to prevent knife and gun crime, educating the community on ways to get youths to give up their weapon with minimal resistance and in fact keen willingness. To donate to the cause please click here.

5. Sasha Johnson: Sasha is an activist for Black Lives Matter, she is also a member of Taking the Initiative Party's Executive Leadership Committee as well as Co-Organizer of the Million People March. Sasha has always been actively fighting for Black people and the injustices that affect the black community. Sasha was brutally attacked against in the early hours of the morning on the 24th of May 2021 by two masked men, and she’s currently in the ICU, fighting for her life. Prior to this, sources revealed that she had received death threats in the past and right now we are so appalled at what has happened. To read more please click here.

As much as we can, let us try and support the movement whether led by individuals or larger organizations whichever way we can.

Until next time, bye.

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